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Barbacoa Grill Boise ID

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.7 with 3864 reviews about Barbacoa Grill
City: Boise ID

Barbacoa Grill Description

Barbacoa Grill in Boise ID falls under the category of Restaurants in Boise ID with a rating of 4.7 by users. Barbacoa Grill located at 276 Bobwhite Ct, Boise, ID 83706, United States. Barbacoa Grill Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -116.1836037, latitude — 43.5976065.

Barbacoa Grill operates from . For more information, please call on (208) 338-5000 or visit Barbacoa Grill Website. If you have ever been to Barbacoa Grill, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Barbacoa Grill

Photo of Barbacoa Grill 1 Photo of Barbacoa Grill 2 Photo of Barbacoa Grill 3
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Reviews of Barbacoa Grill

haras sarahs

Great food, but service was hit or miss depending where you are seated and what is going on. Our most recent visit was not the best but they were very attentive on a separate dinner visit months ago. We had reservations and were seated on time but waited almost an hour to even order food, even after asking for our server three different times to three different people. On our third ask we got someone that seemed upset we hadn't been helped and immediately got us taken care of. There was a storm and they had to move outdoor guests indoors and apparently this resulted in some confusion for our server about who was staffing our table. For how much money you spend to eat here, you shouldn't fall between the cracks, even with having to move tables or repeat some guests. Especially when you consider that should be a pretty normal occurrence when they have outdoor patio seating. Someone should ensure it can be handled smoother and not leave guests asking several times for service over an hour. It was our anniversary dinner and my husband and I enjoyed the time and are pretty mellow and understanding but it would've been nice to have management apologize or offer a dessert or something once they realized what had happened. I would definitely give the restaurant another chance in the future but it was disconcerting that management didn't make any attempts to formally apologize or check in with us afterward to ensure amends were made. I expect that when spending hundreds of dollars on dinner. I love how unique the menu is, but for the price, I expect misunderstandings to be handled better and to not feel forgotten for almost an hour. Several tables around us came ate and left while we sat with waters but dinner was delicious and dessert was phenomenal.

Antonio Barata

Fun, busy, happening place. Tends to be very loud when busy. Good waitstaff. Overlooks lake. Some outside seating on patio / balcony. Good food. Lots of creative drinks coming from bar. Recommended.

Dryce ➊

Top notch fancy restaurant in a very beautiful location with very nice staff and talented cooks. It is expensive though but it is a fun place to go to every year or two. I ordered a steak and they brought the stick out on a rock and burned it to my liking on our table. The cups are made of sculpted ice and the restaurant has never failed to entertain. The food was amazing 👏 😋

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276 Bobwhite Ct, Boise, ID 83706, United States