Gas Lighter Restaurant Concord NC
Gas Lighter Restaurant Description
Gas Lighter Restaurant in Concord NC falls under the category of Restaurants in Concord NC with a rating of 4.6 by users. Gas Lighter Restaurant located at 204 N Main St, Concord, NH 03301, United States. Gas Lighter Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -71.5380725, latitude — 43.2113689.
Gas Lighter Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (603) 228-8854 or visit Gas Lighter Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to Gas Lighter Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Gas Lighter Restaurant
Reviews of Gas Lighter Restaurant
Ron Jobel
Great burger fries, you never know who you'll meet there, 11-3 still great 4-13 food hasn't changed, I my opinion best quick lunch place in town. Basic menu but good 6-22 still the best place to go for a straight forward lunch. Without a doubt best fries in town
Chris Taylor
Always a great experience, great menu!! Delicious Greek menu items with all the staples as well!! Coldest beer in town!! Friendly staff!!
Joel Werren
I haven't been here since I was a teenager and nothing has changed, great food, good prices, and great company.. If you have never been you must try. One of the best little hole in the wall restaurants in the Concord area..