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T-BONES Great American Eatery Concord NC

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.5 with 531 reviews about T-BONES Great American Eatery
City: Concord NC

T-BONES Great American Eatery Description

T-BONES Great American Eatery in Concord NC falls under the category of Restaurants in Concord NC with a rating of 4.5 by users. T-BONES Great American Eatery located at 404 S Main St, Concord, NH 03301, United States. T-BONES Great American Eatery Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -71.5317318, latitude — 43.1772316.

T-BONES Great American Eatery operates from . For more information, please call on (603) 715-1999 or visit T-BONES Great American Eatery Website. If you have ever been to T-BONES Great American Eatery, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of T-BONES Great American Eatery

Photo of T-BONES Great American Eatery 1 Photo of T-BONES Great American Eatery 2 Photo of T-BONES Great American Eatery 3
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Reviews of T-BONES Great American Eatery

Ron Jobel

Good meal, service was good, reasonably priced plus. Will go back, 3-25-22 had steak tips prefect cooked. Service was good, wait time was accurate. 5-28 been back several times food is good and consistent. Outdoor service is great. Small caution on outside for whatever reason there is usually a breeze, not a big deal

Christina Levitan

I was incredibly lucky to have Colby as my server yesterday. I was having a rough day and he could tell. He wanted to make sure I was okay and he really just made my day by taking the time to be a sincere human. Oh, the food was good too!! But from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Colby. I'm proud of you. You are a rock star! 🙌🏼

Timber Holmes

We have always loved T-Bones. I’ve been super careful during the pandemic, but we have eaten here at the Concord restaurant a couple times. We try to go during off times when they are slow. The hostesses were wearing masks, but our server wasn’t. In stores I don’t worry all that much I know people feel it’s a personal thing… but at least I have a mask on, but I felt really uncomfortable in a situation where my kids and I would be eating. I get everyone is sick of masks, but I finally asked if she would mind wearing a mask? She came back with the manager who said they were just following CDC guidelines, but she could ask around for another server. I can’t read minds but they seemed annoyed. Another server volunteered, we saw her when we ordered, when she brought the food, and then when she brought the check. Our drinks sat empty. I have never had bad service at a T-Bones before. I felt bad about asking, and ended up leaving a larger than normal tip since were obviously trouble for them. The worst part was I checked the CDC when I got home and Merrimack Is listed as highest transmission masks highly recommended. I get this is the live free or die state, just tell me you don’t require masks. Don’t lie to me. This is one of two restaurants we’ve visited during the pandemic, but I won’t be inconveniencing them again.

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404 S Main St, Concord, NH 03301, United States