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Kokkari Estiatorio San Francisco CA

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.7 with 2272 reviews about Kokkari Estiatorio

Kokkari Estiatorio Description

Kokkari Estiatorio in San Francisco CA falls under the category of Restaurants in San Francisco CA with a rating of 4.7 by users. Kokkari Estiatorio located at 200 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA 94111, United States. Kokkari Estiatorio Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -122.3997559, latitude — 37.7970323.

Kokkari Estiatorio operates from . For more information, please call on (415) 981-0983 or visit Kokkari Estiatorio Website. If you have ever been to Kokkari Estiatorio, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Kokkari Estiatorio

Photo of Kokkari Estiatorio 1 Photo of Kokkari Estiatorio 2 Photo of Kokkari Estiatorio 3
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Reviews of Kokkari Estiatorio


Exceptional food in a warm setting that really sets the stage for an amazing evening if you're open to having one. I want to hesitate and not use the word 'inventive', because that really isn't the point of the cuisine here. They're taking traditional inspiration and using modern technique to create a flavorful precision that is absolutely unmissable. From bread to meats to desserts - there is a richness to everything that is hard to ignore, but isn't overpowering. Service is attentive. Noise level can be a bit on the higher send depending on the night, but isn't overbearing. Pricing is obviously on the higher side given the caliber of ingredients and cooking going on here. Comfort level is high, and material choice/interior design is extremely thoughtful throughout. Worth a trip. Enjoy.

David Webster

From walking in, service , food. It was all excellent. Definitely some of the best food I have ever had. Service was impeccable. Worth the money. Would love to go again.

Luke Snyder

Savory rich flavors with a sweet finish The food here is spectacular, great to share, the transition from many apps to heartier mains is masterfully done. The goat stew was a great chef special, moussaka is a hearty specialty, the desserts were sweet but well balanced. The atmosphere is warm and cozy with wood fires burning and savory smoke in the air. Highly recommend

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200 Jackson St, San Francisco, CA 94111, United States