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The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House Taos NM

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.3 with 1284 reviews about The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House
City: Taos NM

The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House Description

The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House in Taos NM falls under the category of Restaurants in Taos NM with a rating of 4.3 by users. The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House located at 401 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte, Taos, NM 87571, United States. The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -105.568636, latitude — 36.4121792.

The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House operates from . For more information, please call on (575) 758-5522 or visit The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House Website. If you have ever been to The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House

Photo of The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House 1 Photo of The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House 2 Photo of The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House 3
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Reviews of The Burger Stand @ Taos Ale House

Renee Volker-Rector

Poor quality food, service and attention to detail.

Lee Siewert

My wife and I ordered food, we were ticket #18, and the two people sitting at the table right next to ours ordered food a full 35 minutes AFTER we ordered our food. 25 minutes later the two people (who had ticket #24) at the table next to ours get their food, and now we have been waiting a full hour for ours. When I got up from our table and went to ask about our order a male employee honestly yelled at me that they do not serve food in order. I told him I understand that. But the employee ran away before I could explain that the time difference between our food arriving and the food arriving of the people sitting right next to us should not be 35 minutes. I found the manager who understood the situation as they were very busy, she immediately refunded me the money I paid for the food. I did not ask for this, as the most important thing to me was the principle of the matter that a customer should not have to wait an hour for food while another customer got theirs in 25 minutes. That same employee who yelled at me (the whole restaurant heard it) did so a second time. The worst part is that when we left, I tried to mention to the kind manager that her employee just needs to know that a 35-minute time difference is way too much, but her attitude had changed, and she would not listen to me and dismissed me. I used to be a manager in a restaurant, and we always served food in the order the ticket was presented to us. I get that some don't, but a 35-minute time difference is unacceptable. They do get one star, because though it took an hour to get our food it was outstanding!! Oh, and a second female employee felt so bad for us that she can up to me and said she was sorry, that the male employee who yelled twice at me should not have done that. This lady was so kind that I gave her a $5 tip just for her being so genuine and as a show of appreciation on my part for the tough times restaurants and their employees are going through to staff them adequately. Question I have is, does the owner care that ticket numbers, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, got their food before our ticket number of 18 with a 35-minute time difference?

Josh Bryant

They are one of the only places that stays open late in Taos. By late I mean open after 8pm. Everything on the menu looks really good and they have a great beer selection. I think the issue with this restaurant is the people cooking the food. 1st burger was undercooked. second burger overcooked with a stale bun. Fish and chips came out almost still frozen. Hire a new cook crew. Very nice place besides the food.

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401 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte, Taos, NM 87571, United States