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The Cheesecake Factory Whitefish Bay WI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.2 with 1925 reviews about The Cheesecake Factory

The Cheesecake Factory Description

The Cheesecake Factory in Whitefish Bay WI falls under the category of Restaurants in Whitefish Bay WI with a rating of 4.2 by users. The Cheesecake Factory located at 5799 N Bayshore Dr, Glendale, WI 53217, United States. The Cheesecake Factory Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -87.914758, latitude — 43.122775.

The Cheesecake Factory operates from . For more information, please call on (414) 906-8550 or visit The Cheesecake Factory Website. If you have ever been to The Cheesecake Factory, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of The Cheesecake Factory

Photo of The Cheesecake Factory 1 Photo of The Cheesecake Factory 2 Photo of The Cheesecake Factory 3
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Reviews of The Cheesecake Factory

Shad B (Grand Foodtaster)

Every time I come here(either with my wife or by my self) to the cheese cake factory, we are simply met with an uncanny ability of satisfaction by the host/hostess and or waiters/waitresses. The food is always well executed and dressed. I am not saying this place or any place is perfect, but I know when we get in here, it seems everything just, falls in place. So we make sure we leave a nice tip, to let them know both our bellies and our satisfactory meters have been filled. Even when it's just not that person's day we leave a tip. We know how it feels to be human so we don't press to much on the matter. But aim to make that person's day by stacking plates and trash. Just trying to make it a little easier for that person but over all we love this place... oh and the cheese cake is simply next level. A true and utter delicacy...

Kelsey DeAnna

Went here for my brother-in-law birthday (the big 30!) The food was delicious as always. The host working were happy, cheerful, really organized and knew what was going on when we arrived before the rest of the party... the rest of the staff? Not so much. Told the waiter its the brothers big birthday and asked if they did anything to celebrate like a song or bring out something special for the guest of honor and his response was "no, its against company policy" not according to the website: The Cheesecake Factory is the perfect place to celebrate!  If you order dessert, we’ll personalize the plate with "Happy Birthday" (or Anniversary, Good Luck, etc.) and your special guest’s name written in chocolate or caramel.  We decorate the plate with candy confetti and place a candle on top.  Or, if you didn’t save room for dessert, we offer a complimentary birthday sundae with a tiny “scoopette” of vanilla ice cream, fudge, and top it with a crown of whipped cream, confetti pieces and a candle... none of that was offered or brought up. The birthday guest of honor ordered a dish with salmon, they brought out chicken. It was a very quick fix but makes me wonder did the chef make the mistake or did our waiter grab the wrong plate for the wrong table. I ordered two drinks, three came to the table when the waiter realized this he told me he would take it to the bar for no charge or charge me for the mistake if I drank it - never had a restaurant charge me for a silly mix up usually its "I'm sorry please enjoy this on the house since there was a mix up"

Ken Severn

I had the lunch special meatloaf with corn and mashed potatoes. So good! Then, Megan brought me a slice of key lime cheesecake, and I must say, this was the best key lime cheesecake I ever had! Thank you, Megan, for the excellent service!

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5799 N Bayshore Dr, Glendale, WI 53217, United States