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Millie's Diner Richmond VA

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 994 reviews about Millie's Diner

Millie's Diner Description

Millie's Diner in Richmond VA falls under the category of Restaurants in Richmond VA with a rating of 4.6 by users. Millie's Diner located at 2603 E Main St, Richmond, VA 23223, United States. Millie's Diner Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -77.4203146, latitude — 37.5282997.

Millie's Diner operates from . For more information, please call on (804) 643-5512 or visit Millie's Diner Website. If you have ever been to Millie's Diner, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Millie's Diner

Photo of Millie's Diner 1 Photo of Millie's Diner 2 Photo of Millie's Diner 3
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Reviews of Millie's Diner

Noellie S.

I live right next to this place and decided to slide in for a meal. The music and ambience kept me dancing the entire time. It’s a playlist of every relevant sample from the passed 20 years. The food blew me away. What I ordered was so flavorful there was no need to ask for ketchup. I was surprised to hear someone ask for salt. I eat like a bird and this is the closest I’ve come to clearing my plate at a restaurant in some time. My server and the host were also pleasant and even took the time to ask about the work I was doing at the table. As I sit here dancing to boogie wonderland I thought to myself, “where is google?” Here I am. A well deserved 5 stars.


SO CUTE!! They had an open kitchen so you could see the cooking process. These cooks just raw-dawged hot potatoes with their bare hands! Its very retro which is do desirable !

bill smith

I hadn't been back to Millie's since before the pandemic and was really looking forward to the great food and service that was the rule there before. I was thoroughly disappointed on both counts. For starters, we were thoroughly ignored by the server for quite a while. When she finally brought us water and asked how we were and what drinks we wanted I said we were hungry and ready to order our food as well but she refused to take our food order and insisted on taking only our drinks. I insisted that we already knew what we wanted and again she brushed it over, refused to take our order and became very grumpy with us for the rest of our visit. She only came to take our food order much much later. In spite of her grumpiness I looked forward to having some delicious food but when our food came my salmon was really dry and tasted mostly of pepper. My wife's veggie mess was just as dry and uninspired. This was surprising because we'd been coming to Millie's for years and had tried all of their dishes and they were always delicious and perfectly cooked(the only exception being the Cuban mess which we didn't like) from sandwiches to lobster dishes in a delicate pastry shell. Even their hot chocolate was special since they used to use fresh cream. This time even that was lousy and overly sugary. Maybe Paul is now more focused in his newish and popular cafe and has forgotten Millie's or maybe the chef was having a bad day, but we were very disappointed 😞

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2603 E Main St, Richmond, VA 23223, United States