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The Dapper Goose Buffalo NY

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.7 with 402 reviews about The Dapper Goose
City: Buffalo NY

The Dapper Goose Description

The Dapper Goose in Buffalo NY falls under the category of Restaurants in Buffalo NY with a rating of 4.7 by users. The Dapper Goose located at 491 Amherst St, Buffalo, NY 14207, United States. The Dapper Goose Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -78.8860132, latitude — 42.9394313.

The Dapper Goose operates from . For more information, please call on (716) 551-0716 or visit The Dapper Goose Website. If you have ever been to The Dapper Goose, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of The Dapper Goose

Photo of The Dapper Goose 1 Photo of The Dapper Goose 2 Photo of The Dapper Goose 3
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Reviews of The Dapper Goose

Ryan Becker

My wife and I don't get out to dinner much these days but when we do we almost always pick Dapper Goose in the last year since we discovered it. Every bite, every sip is delicious and the service is impeccable. Hands down they make the best cocktails I've ever had and the menu has the right amount of consistent dishes (always gotta get the Korean fried chicken) and rotating items. I actually never understood the fuss about homemade pasta until we ate it here. It's night and day and from what I understand all of their pasta dishes utilize daily handmade pasta. I can't say enough good things about this place, we just went last weekend and I already can't wait to find another chance to go.

Katie Brammer

Dapper goose is by far my favorite restaurant not just for the food but for the owners and staff. Tim is def the best bartender and makes my fav off menu drink and Keith and Peggy are amazing and care about quality and customer service as they work in the space constantly. The vibe is perfect coming from living in Los Angeles, Boston and Phoenix. I love that it’s a bit undercover and low key and not flashy outside. Great for date night or night with friends! Can’t wait for next time!

Fiona Reid

Fantastic food with several unique takes on ingredients. I loved the ambiance and the service was superb. The gentleman who took care of us recommended drinks that were exactly to my taste. Can't wait to come back!

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491 Amherst St, Buffalo, NY 14207, United States